Participation regulations
Exhibitor means any applicants, who submit to Nano Korea Secretariat or its relevant booth application form and contract fee, including, but not limited to, any kinds of company, association, or group. No contract will be processed nor space assigned without the required participation deposits.
It is mutually and explicitly agreed that the organizer shall not be liable to the exhibitors for any damage to and/or loss of the exhibitor's property or for injuries to persons resulting from any cause by exhibitor. All claims for any such loss, damage, or injury, are to be waived expressly by the exhibitors.
Nano Korea Secretariat will make every effort to respect the exhibitor’s demand and request about space choice whenever possible, but the Secretariat reserves the final right as to space allocation. Organizer has the right to withdraw its acceptance of this contract if it determines in its sole discretion that the exhibitor is not eligible to participate or the exhibitor’s product is not eligible to be displayed in this show.
It is explicitly agreed by the exhibitor that in the event the exhibitor refuses to use all or any part of applied booth space or fails to remit payment for participation by the specified date, organizer shall have the right to take possession of the said space and lease same or any part thereof to such parties and upon such terms and conditions as it may deem proper.
Any cancellation or request for changes in this contract by the exhibitor must be made in writing and forwarded to Nano Korea Secretariat. Cancellation will be subject to charges according to the following schedule
- Cancellation charge before May 31st - 80% of total participation fee. (or cancelled space fee)
- Cancellation charge after June 1st - No refund will be made.
Exhibitor and its representatives shall not gather for promotion or solicit trade in the aisles. Distribution of pamphlets, brochures or any advertising materials must be confined to the booth space. Booth space shall not be used for entertainment of exhibitor or its representatives. Exhibitor or any of its representatives shall not conduct themselves in a manner offensive to standards of decency or good taste.
Merchandise, signs, decorations or display fixtures shall not be pasted, taped, nailed or tacked to walls. No exhibit, merchandise or equipment shall be left in any aisle, but shall be confined to exhibit space. No signs or advertising devices shall be displayed outside exhibit space or project above or beyond limits of exhibit space.
Any controversy or claim between the parties hereto arising out of or related to provision of the agreement or the breach-thereof shall be settled by arbitration by Commercial Arbitration Rules of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, whose verdict shall be final and binding upon both.
Secretariat in its sole and absolute discretion may announce or apply additional rules or regulations not specified in these policies, which should be respected and observed by exhibitors.
Booth Application *(Required)
※ Members and early application discount prices will be applied after discount processing at the secretariat.
Shell scheme booth (Exhibition space + Basic equipment provided)
Raw space booth (Exhibitors design and construct the booth)
- 1) General participation : Companies participating in ATEM FAIR for the first time
- 2) Member participation : Companies satisfying one or more of the following conditions
- Exhibitor in ATEM FAIR 2024 or 2023(Including concurrent exhibitions)
- Participants in Nano Technology T2B Business
- Member of Korea Adhesive Coating Association(Company)
- Member of Nano Technology Research Association(Company)
"Exhibitor agrees to abide by and be bound to all terms and conditions set forth in this contract, including those on the above."